What We Do

Enhancing the future of the risk management profession and the usage of quantitative methods in decision making.
The IIPER offers mechanisms to work in partnership with universities worldwide. These can be obtained as a direct result of the university hosting a Risk Convention, embedding risk management knowledge through its academic programs, and implementing risk management technologies into teaching, education, and research. IIPER enhances the strategic value of its university partners with the following programs:
IIPER Education and Business Support
IIPER Accredited University
Provides academic recognition to universities whose career offerings are aligned with the IIPER general Guidelines for the Certified in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM) accreditation program. Recognition as one of the elite universities offering career studies that enhance the future of risk management and decision-making analysis.

IIPER Accredited Program
Provides academic recognition to universities’ academic programs (BSc, MSc, PhD in Accounting, Finance, Business, Economics, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Innovation, Logistics, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Research Methods, and Statistics, among others) that are aligned with the IIPER general Guidelines for the CQRM.

IIPER Risk Management Labs
Risk Labs provide the capabilities to implement state-of-the-art advanced analytics software applications at a deeply discounted price. All students within the university can have access to these applications and tools for research purposes, and professors can integrate these techniques and software applications into their current or newly developed courses.

IIPER Certified Trainers
This program allows professors and lecturers to become one of our worldwide selected CQRM Certified Trainers, with access to all ROV-OSL software and tools for education, training, and research, and able to conduct senior executive and top management executive trainings, consultancy activities, and research projects.

IIPER Business Partners
Organizations and professionals can also certify their firm-specific programs, participate in Risk Coventions, become sponsors, promote technlogies for education, training, and research, and reduce the education gaps between the industry and academics.

CQRM Accreditation
The Certified in Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM) program is an innovative lecture and hands-on 4-day seminar targeted at analysts and managers in corporations who require practical risk analysis and risk management knowledge. In a world where risk abounds and the regulatory environment is risk-averse, and where economic and market environments are highly volatile, risk management is critical in making optimal business decisions.

The IIPER is heavily involved in academic and applied research in the areas of risk management and applied decision-making analytics, cutting-edge leadership theory and practice, business ethics, and related current issues on a global basis.
The main objectives that the IIPER and its organizing committee have in collaborating with universities, research centres, and businesses are to continue promoting the risk management culture and enhancing education and research facilities by using the same technologies and methodologies companies and industries are already using for financial risk, operational risk, statistics and econometric analysis, Monte Carlo risk simulations, decision analysis, reliability studies, optimisation, decision trees, and so on. These objectives are achieved using Risk Management Labs or Quantitative Labs, advanced analytical software for risk analysis, and quantitative modelling.
The IIPER provides In-Centre and In-Company executive training and education
Contact us for more information